Montag, 12. Juli 2010

My first days…

My first days were not that special. Louis, my guestbrother, arrived at least on Thursday. The Youthgroup arrived on Friday and I firstly had to say Hello to some other people I knew. So I hang around in my room and was reading. I enjoyed reading, but if you mix it with longing (Sehnsucht^^) it´s gonna be bad…
Then on Thursday the there was the big relief(Erlösung^^). I got a membership in the Fitness and Swimming Center next to my home and we saw the Taekwon-Do school next to the swimmingcenter.
At the night I went with Timothy and Sarah to Bingo. I was wondering, how they can play Bingo in their age. Is it really like staying at somebodys home playing Bingo instead of Poker =)? But what it surprise…I haven´t never seen such a growd playing Bingo, having fun and eating fastfood. It was really good and not expensive. You pay $ 10 for around 12 games and in one game you can gain $200 to $400. The money is shared by the Bingo´s of course. Unfortunelty I didn´t win. Ths "event" is every Thursday in a gymnasium and you can bring drinks and foods by yourself too!!!!! After that wewent to a pub. It was a kind of ridiculous that I couldn´t order a beer or a wine….but that it the American law….XD

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