Montag, 12. Juli 2010

Policy and contact with the law?!…

We were talking about Obama…o no they talked about him (my guestparents)…They like them, but they said that there are a lot of bad tongues for obama as well. this topic is well discussed and obama has a difficult job and he is trying to do his job in a good way (trying to explain their opinion). Of course topical the USA has problems to get everyone by a health insurance. Those insurances are really expensive and it is not like the system in Germany. I think he said that you are just saving money, but I don´t know if I understood it in the right way. The most important thing he said I think was: “Obama will goes in the history like a president that does in a very difficult time his job okay”. He seemed to be very appreciating that.

after Bingo....=)
On the way back from the bar in the night we were stopped by the police. Tim the driver did nothing special wrong. You have to imagine that every cross is ruled by STOP signs. And he stopped on a sign, but maybe he was not waiting sufficient. So the police stopped us. It was really fun to see that, because it was like in a real American movie. The lights from behind….the officer came…and you have to call him officer!!...
the officer was checking out the car with his torch (Taschenlampe) trough the windows…and you get really respected by this guy^^…yeah but nothing special happened…he was just asking what we are doing right here…=)

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